Happy Monday! Meet Miss Clara. Oh my goodness this little doll's hair....love. We are so blessed to be able to continue to be a part of this family's life. Engagement, wedding, baby and now baby #2!! We love you all. Enjoy~
Family Maternity : NC Baby Photographers
Our afternoon light was perfect as you will see. This little family was super excited to soon meet baby sis. The miracle of life never gets old and every time I photograph an expecting Mom and soon after their newborn it constantly reminds me of how precious life really is and how fast it flies. This sweet baby came several weeks later! Her session will be blogged very soon. <3 much love
Rebekah: Precious Belly | Maternity Session
Ashley & Josh : Adventure with Sawyer | North Carolina Photographers
Saturday June 7 is a very special day for these two. It was the day they met their precious boy and let him fly with Jesus. We had previously shot another session for Ashley and Josh and had lots of fun, but this session was different. There are times in our lives when we meet others and they have no idea how they bless the people they are around. I can't explain it. I just know Ryan and I were blessed truly blessed to be a part of this journey with Ashley and Josh. For those of you that do not know Ashley... they were told during her pregnancy that their sweet boy Sawyer had holoprosencephaly and most likely wouldn't live long after birth. Ashley described the session to me like this "for us this shoot was about us capturing living life with him while we still had him with us. For us the shoot was an adventure with our son." We talked about the session prior to the shoot and planned this little adventure. Thank you for allowing us to capture your sweet family! We loved it, enjoyed and have been truly blessed by it. Sending love your way. Ryan & Joy
Happy Birthday! : 1 Year Old | Baby Photographers NC
Good Morning Wednesday! This sweet boy turned one just a few weeks back so we did a beautiful evening shoot outdoors. He was such a delight to photograph and you will see why below. Thanks Mom and Dad for allowing me to capture your precious one! Much Love~ joy
Family Friday : My Little Blessings
I shot these images of my two last May... long time ago. This is very typical of me to take pictures of my children and not do a thing with them forever! I'm working on it...bits at a time. This was at our old house. I walked in the room that day and they were doing this on their own. It warmed my heart so much. I loved it. Last night I was reminded of these images when Ryan and I really wanted to go to sleep early and the kids DID NOT. I think Jayla read about 10 books to Jase...it was precious. I was awake and listened to her read to him and he would ask questions... I know these times are short in the scheme of their life. They are 5 1/2 years apart and I adore seeing how they can still connect. Gosh do they fight and get ugly with each other but they truly LOVe each other. I pray that even with the age gap and male/female difference they will always connect in their own way... protect and love each other.